
Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Pictures in Childrens' Books

Shaykh Muhammad Al-Imaam Hafidhahullaah was asked:

We see within many of the books for teaching children there are pictures of things which have souls, and the faces are cut off and the bodies remain with round heads. Is this action correct or is it a must that the head be removed altogether? And what is the intended meaning of the head in the statement of Ibn ‘Abbaas: “The image is only in the head,”?



  • You may deal with the image by taking off the head completely—and this is better and more complete—
  • Or you can deal with it by effacing the image; and this is (removal of) the face; 
As is within Saheeh Muslim from the Hadeeth of ‘Alee ibn Aboo Taalib, that he said to Aboo Al-Hiyaaj Al-Asadee: “Shall I not send you forth to do that which Allaah’s Messenger sent me forth to do?” He said: “Yes.” He said: “Do not leave any elevated grave without leveling it; and do not leave any image except that you efface it.” 

So if the face is effaced or taken away so that it does not remain as it was created then this will suffice.

Translated By: Raha ibn Donald Batts (may Allaah reward him)

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