
Friday, 13 December 2013

My Daal and Thaal Workbooks


Alhamdulillaah I have TWO workbooks ready for you today...

Click Here to download the Daal Workbook.
Click Here to download the Thaal Workbook.

Enjoy Inshaa'Allaah!


  1. Asalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu!
    May Allah aza wa jal bless you for all of your work, these are just wonderful subhanallah! I printed a couple out so far to help my little one learn her letters, inshallah. I am wondering if you made workbooks for all of the arabic letters? I cannot find them all so I am assuming you did not.
    Barakallahu Feeki!
    Amina Bint Yusuf Knuckles

    1. Wa alaykumus salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu

      Jazaakillaahu khayran for your kind message. It was for people like you that I started this blog for, to share the materials I create for my own kids.

      InshaaAllaah I hope to continue posting up the rest of the letters in the next few months inshaaAllaah. Wa Billaahit-Tawfeeq
